Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs accountancy High Wycombe

Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Taxation Questions?

As a small business owner are you worried about certain aspects of bookkeeping but unsure who to ask? We can help with your queries in two ways. Either we can meet with you for a FREE consultation - where you ask whatever you want - or you can take a look at our FAQs below which cover a number of topics.

Still haven't found what you're looking for?

Contact AMBA Accountancy now by giving us a call on 07970 403914 or email We will be happy to help.

We have extensive experience of working with small businesses that sometimes fall behind on their bookkeeping through work pressures. We can certainly help to bring your records up to date.
Hiring a bookkeeper to carry out these services in house gives you additional responsibilities as an employer. We will work closely with you and in total confidence. Consider us as part of your team.
That is not always necessary and all material you provide for us will be held in total confidence and in secure conditions.
We work in cooperation with accountants in the preparation of company tax returns. This is one of our core services.
We can act as your agent and directly contact HMRC on your behalf and can work for your business in a similar way in other areas of accountancy.
AMBA has frequently assisted business start-ups and can help you with the steps you have to take with tax, National Insurance and other accounting matters.